2009-10-27 04:28 AM
2011-05-17 03:19 AM
I'm using Crosswork 1.7 with my home-made STM32F103RBT6 and JTAG parallel port adapter. Everything is running OK. I compiled, debugged and run various examples from the firmware library without any problem. My JTAG adapter is a clone from the Olimex.
Regards, Maia2011-05-17 03:19 AM
I downloaded an eval version of crossworks 2, along with their NXP LPC2000 CPU Support Package 1.2, but was never able to get it to 'halt the target' (an lpc2148 board).
I'm using an olimex arm-usb-tiny, and got the crosswork to 'connect' and correctly identify the target (JTAG clock divider to 20+ and the nTRST Open Drain to No ) but was unable to get it to debug, erase, etc... never could halt the target. Anyone have a working project using an arm-usb-tiny and a lpc2148 (or similar) board they wouldnt mind posting? I find the openocd/eclipse/arm-usb-tiny to be a bit clunky to use, so I would really like to purchase something that is rock solid for debugging... I know Keil and Green Hills MULTI also have compiler/debugging software for the ARM, but not sure if it supports the olimex arm-usb-tiny. Anyone tried this?2011-05-17 03:19 AM
Try change ''nTRST Open Drain'' to No. It works for Olimex ARM-USB-Tiny(mbati_19 problem), should work for Amontec JTAGkey too
2011-05-17 03:19 AM
In case this is still relevant, I am using v1.7 with Crossconnect on Mandriva Linux 2008.1 and it works very well.
2011-05-17 03:19 AM
I have found Rowley support to be excellent.
-- Under the target's properties try turning Adaptive Clocking OFF and set the JTAG Clock Divider to a larger number like 10 or 20. If that fixes the problem you can reduce the number for faster downloads, until it gets intermittent.