2013-04-18 8:42 AM
As the subject described, could I use TIM3 CH3 in input capture mode to measure a frequency, and at the same time use TIM3 CH4 in output compare mode to generate a PWM signal?
2014-01-04 11:12 AM
Hi jin,
Yes we can ;)2014-03-27 2:31 AM
Hello, I read this post and I have same problem. May I ask explanation how to use TIM3_CH4 or TIM3_CH3? Thank you very much
2014-03-27 6:15 AM
You program the timebase, and then you configure the channels. It's really not that complicated.
There is ONE counter element in each TIM. Where channels work together ie TI1 TI2, the inputs are paired CH1/CH2 and CH3/CH4