2017-12-25 4:06 AM
Hi ,
I am using STM32F407
ADC - while conversion in scan mode of regular sequence.when overrun occurs it needs to start(SWSTART) the conversion again.if i do that what will happen to the sequence
it will start again from the beginning or it continue the sequence?
2017-12-25 12:34 PM
generally you would run the ADC in continuous conversion mode with a circular buffer being feed by the DMA.
that way all of the ADCs are scanned and stored for you in the same place every time.
then check end-of-conversion or enable the interrupt.
it should never overrun again.
2017-12-26 9:09 AM
Why does it overrun? For multiple channels use DMA, with a buffer that accommodates all your channels.
2018-01-03 5:18 AM
Hi v.ramasubbu,
In my test, I see that it restarts the sequence after
is re-issued on overrun. However, I did not do a thorough test. So don't take my word for it. I agree that the STM32 documentation on ADC for Scan Mode is too scant.p/s: remember to clear the overrun flag before re-issuing SWSTART
On flipping though one of the manuals (STM32f429ZI reference manual, to be precise), I found section 13.8.2 Managing a sequence of conversions without using the DMA, which states how to recover from an overrun. But again, it does not say clearly if that would restart the sequence.
@Clive One: Overrun do happen even in DMA.
2018-01-03 10:36 PM
Thanks , From my side also the same behavior with over run ,
Now am trying with DMA in that i have one doubt in FIFO config. if you worked on that please answer the below post i have posted yesterday
@ADC with DMA FIFO Circular mode Memory Config Doubt