2021-10-14 4:12 AM
Hi, tell me, please. On stm32f746, tim3 is configured in encoder mode and works as a master for Timers 2,4,5,1,9. All Slave timers are in external clock mode 1, trigger source in accordance with the table:
Tim2 - itr2
Tim4 - itr2
Tim5 - itr1
Tim1- itr2
Tim9 - itr1
Master tim3 enable HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start, the rest are HAL_TIM_Base_Start.
And as a result, tim2, tim4, tim5 work correctly incrementing when tim3 overflows,
a tim1 and tim9 immediately after switching on are incremented with a frequency of about 1.3 kHz and only after the timer overflow event tim3 begin to increment only when an event with tim3 is received. The second day I can't find where these events from 1.3kHz could be, why tim1 and tim9 are incremented WITHOUT tim3 overflow