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STM32F746IGT Boot configuration issue?


Hello you guys.

I’m having trouble operating the STM32F746 board.

I designed an embedded board using the STM32F746 and attempted to control LEDs through CubeIDE. While compilation and program uploading were successful, the LEDs do not function at all.

I’m unsure that the issue is related to the boot setting or another cause.

Could you please advise me how to configure the boot options?

The details are as follows:

1. The BOOT0 pin is pulled down.



2. Setting of Boot option byte (using ST-Link Utility)




3. Memory definition in FLASH.Id



And then I configured the GPIO in CubeMX as OUTPUT and attempted periodic GPIO toggling code, but LEDs does't work at all.

Since I have previously worked on a project using CubeMX an CubeIDE, the control code is likely not the issue.

Could there be a problem related to the boot configuration, or might there be another reason?






ST Employee


Are you intentinnaly pulled up BOOT pin to VDD?

If yes refer to the RM:


If you need to boot from Flash AXI BOOT_ADD1 needs to be set to 0x0080, if from Flash-ITCM you need to set BOOT_ADD1 to 0x2000.

Otherwise you need to pull down BOOT pin to GND and the configuration is as following:



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Pulled LOW it should run your code. Use the Debugger and Debug it..

Instrument Error_Handler() and HardFault_Handler() so you know if it gets to those, and doesn't just silently died in a while(1) loop.

Try running off the internal HSI (16 MHz) and NOT calling SystemClock_Config()


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