2024-11-09 4:03 AM - edited 2024-11-10 8:28 PM
Hello, I am doing a project with STM32F411RE NUCLEO board. I have downloaded the zip file from the web builder GRBLHAL. i have attached the file here. And I have successfully imported the zip folder onto the stm32cubeide. So for that project I want to add communication through SPI. and there is a SPI communication can be used for that project.
as in my previous query, i came to know that with UART communication, USB connector which is connected to cn1 of the board and raspberry pi USB connection - i am able to communicate. as i understood that, to communicate between raspberry pi and stm32, i don't need to connect tx of pi -> rx of board, rx of pi -> tx of board, gnd to gnd. but can able to communicate through a connector. will that be possible with spi communication also. if no, then how can be the easy way to communicate between raspberry pi 4b and stm32f411re. and i forgot to mention that, in that file i am not able to find uart communication, i can only see the header files of spi, i2c, usb_device. can you please give me clarity over this ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-11-11 5:21 AM - edited 2024-11-12 2:45 AM
@suhfi wrote:i am talking about the usb connector?
So why didn't you say that? You can see that there are (at least) 10 different connectors on the Raspberry Pi - how did you expect us to guess which one you meant?!
@suhfi wrote:i am wondering if usb connector supports i2c or spi just like uart?
There are USB-to-I2C and USB-to-SPI converters available; eg,
But, as @mƎALLEm said, the Nucleo board routes neither I2C nor SPI via its ST-Link.
A standalone ST-Link V3 can route UART, SPI, and I2C
(not sure if that's all 3 at once, or just one at a time?)
2024-11-09 4:14 AM
Not clear: you need a communication with UART or SPI?
Related threads:
2024-11-09 4:16 AM
earlier i have done communication with uart, can i use the same connector or connections for spi also? if not how should i connect?
2024-11-09 4:57 AM
So why the title mentions UART?
2024-11-09 5:25 AM
Why SPI?
Why can't you figure out what the issues are with USB/UART and fix/address those?
You have RPi side drivers that can do SPI simply?
Is the power supply or setup adequate to support the NUCLEO and everything else hung off it?
2024-11-09 6:23 AM - edited 2024-11-09 6:37 AM
@suhfi wrote:as in my previous query
@suhfi wrote:I have downloaded the zip file ?
What zip file?
@suhfi wrote:from the web builder GRBLHAL.
The what??
@suhfi wrote:as i understood that, to communicate between raspberry pi and stm32, i don't need to connect tx of pi -> rx of board, rx of pi -> tx of board, gnd to gnd. but can able to communicate through a connector.
What do you mean by that?
Sure, you can always use a connector to make connections - it's in the very name!
@suhfi wrote:how can be the easy way to communicate between raspberry pi 4b and stm32f411re.
You've already seen that you can do this with a UART link - either direct or via USB.
So what do you think is not "easy" about this?
What problem(s)/limitation(s) do you have that you think that SPI (or anything else) might solve?
I see no reason to believe that SPI is going to be any easier than UART. On the contrary, UART is very widely used and easy to test - so, if you're stuck with that, I can't see that you'll fare any better with anything else.
@suhfi wrote:in that file i am not able to find uart communication
What file?
2024-11-10 8:32 PM
okay, i think there is a misunderstanding of how things are explained here. yes, i have done communication with uart between both devices and it is working fine. i have a genuine doubt that with the connector can i communicate through spi, i2c same like uart?
2024-11-11 2:35 AM
@suhfi wrote:okay, i think there is a misunderstanding of how things are explained here.
Indeed - your posts are not very clear at all!
@suhfi wrote:i have a genuine doubt that with the connector ...
What "connector" are you talking about?
This one:
Check out the Raspberry Pi documentation to see what signals are available on that connector:
You can clearly see that UART (TXD, RXD), SPI (MOSI, MISO, SCLK), and I2C (SDA, SCL) are all available on that connector, and documented on that page:
and 3rd-party sites; eg,
2024-11-11 2:53 AM
@Andrew Neil wrote:your posts are not very clear at all!
@suhfi One thing that would help would be to provide diagrams/pictures - so that we can actually see what you're taking about, rather than just rely on text.
Especially as there seems to be a bit of a language barrier.
2024-11-11 4:34 AM
okay, thank you for the advice. i am gonna follow that. no i am not talking about the connector over there. i am talking about the usb connector. as in my previous discussion i came to know that usart via usb is possible between raspberry pi and stm32 nucleo board. i am wondering if usb connector supports i2c or spi just like uart?