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Code Generation Error for STM32F0 and STM32F1 in Simulink

Associate II

Hi everyone,

When I try to generate code for F0 or F1 MCU in Simulink with STM32 MAT TARGET, I encounter the following error at the very beginning of code generation:

### Using System Target File: C:\MATLAB\STM32-MAT\STM32\rtw\stm32.tlc

Error: File: execstring Line: 1 Column: 22

Unterminated string

Main program:

==> [00] execstring:<NONE>(1)

Error: File: execstring Line: 1 Column: 55

Unterminated string

Main program:

==> [00] execstring:<NONE>(1)

Error: File: execstring Line: 1 Column: 23

syntax error

Main program:

==> [00] execstring:<NONE>(1)

### Real-Time Workshop build procedure for method: 'error'

Has anyone encountered the same error? If so, any solution?