2023-07-02 06:56 PM
I am trying to develop embedded controller firmware that runs on stm32f429zit6. How much of the performance of the items below is appropriate for stable firmware operation?
1. Clock frequency: 180MHz
2. Flash memory: 2MB
3. SRAM: 192KB
2023-07-02 11:02 PM
I don't really get what you want to know.
I think neither of these properties have anything to do with "stable firmware operation".
You have to write stable code, working with the given properties of the MCU.
So you might want to do some calculations in advance concerning memory and speed.
2023-07-02 11:32 PM
Ok. I understood your comment. It is possible to check the flash memory code size and sram code size of the software under development using stm32cubeide, but it is not possible to check the mcu core usage. Is there any way to measure mcu core usage?
2023-07-03 12:30 PM
MCU core usage? Is this the load percentage (or idle time percentage)? Or memory usage in runtime (stack, heap)?
2023-07-03 05:51 PM
I want to know how to measure the load percentage.
2023-07-03 07:26 PM
You could use a TIM or DWT CYCCNT to quantify the amount of time spent in an idle loop (WFI ?) vs in code you have running.
You could also benchmark specific functions or groups of functions, or algorithms at an instruction cycles level.