2021-08-25 2:05 AM
We're investigating replacing some STM32F105 processors with STM32F107 on a short time frame.
The datasheet footnote says "SPI2/I2S2 and I2C2 are not available when the Ethernet is being used."
Does that mean that I2C2 is never available or that you have to configure some Alternate Function in a certain way to have it enabled.
(From CubeMX I can only select I2C1 for a stm32f107 project. So I guess that's an indication that I2C2 is not available.)
This question has been asked before in 2019 but did not receive an answer back then. https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000B43DcN/stm32f107-i2c2-not-clocking-the-scl-line
2021-08-25 3:32 AM
I2C2 is never available (no alternate configuration available).
F107 has only I2C1 available because of Ethernet, and as you found it, cubeMX only shows I2C1.
F105 has I2C2 but no Ethernet.
2021-08-25 11:38 PM
Hi Mike and thank you for your swift reply.
[ Sorry for not providing more information below. Due to Covid-19, I'm not in the office and can't make more hands-on experiments. I'll update this post or post follow-ups when I have more information. ]
So today a colleague received a handful of F107 processors.
He tried to identify the F107 using stlink and got the reply
08:11:34 : Device ID:0x418
08:11:34 : Device flash Size : 256KBytes
08:11:34 : Device family :STM32F10xx Connectivity Line
2021-08-26 1:24 AM
All I can say is that F107 is marketed as having only 1 I2C: