2022-04-01 1:06 AM
I would like to forward about 2048 bytes via CAN protocol.
I am using an STML4 and have implemented a solution in which sending an STM transmits in the following way:
void CAN1_Tx()
CAN_TxHeaderTypeDef TxHeader;
uint32_t TxMailbox;
uint8_t message = 1;
TxHeader.DLC = 1;
TxHeader.StdId = 0x650;
TxHeader.IDE = CAN_ID_STD;
if( HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(&hcan1,&TxHeader,&message,&TxMailbox) != HAL_OK)
and another that receives and prints the received message on the screen:
void HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan)
uint8_t rcvd_msg[9];
char msg[50];
if(HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage(hcan,CAN_RX_FIFO0,&RxHeader,rcvd_msg) != HAL_OK)
if(RxHeader.StdId == 0x650 && RxHeader.RTR == 0 )
//This is data frame sent by n1 to n2
sprintf(msg,"Message Received : #%x %d\r\n",rcvd_msg[0],rcvd_msg[7]);
else if ( RxHeader.StdId == 0x651 && RxHeader.RTR == 2)
//This is a remote frame sent by n1 to n2
else if ( RxHeader.StdId == 0x651 && RxHeader.RTR == 0)
sprintf(msg,"Reply Received : %#X\r\n",rcvd_msg[0] << 8 | rcvd_msg[1]);
each packet I send can have a maximum of 8 bytes.
If I try to send more packets the program unfortunately stops, I can only send 3 packets at most, probably due to the number of mailboxes.
I have tried sending the messages 1 ms apart but the problem still persists.
How can I dispose of more bytes and receive them correctly with this protocol?
2022-04-01 5:10 AM
Probably want to check the FIFO depth before cramming in more data, would be a better way of modulating flow than arbitrary delays.
Check that packets are being accepted at the far end node, and it's not retrying. Review bus traffic with an analyzer.
2022-04-01 5:54 AM
Ok, thank you very much.