2021-07-12 4:01 AM
Hello, I am a college student working on a project based on the NucleoF446RE board. My goal is to communicate between Linduino board, SevconGen4 (motor controller) and nucleo board. Linduino received data from the motor controller and outputted correctly, but the STM board did not. As a suboptimal measure, Linduino is forwarding the received value to the STM, but this also failed. I can't upload codes because there are too many modifications to upload the source code. Motor controllers have more difficulties using the CANopen protocol, so I would like to ask all the advice.
Oh hell nah! :-0
2021-07-16 12:53 AM
Dear @Ohaye.1
I added the topic Motor Control Hardware to your question to enlarge the involved community.
Best regards