2017-04-18 2:52 PM
i am traing to use CAN (controller area network) of STM32F3 in Simulink with package STM32-MAT/TARGET
i started to add ico file in config
whene i start adding the CAN i get this
please any help
#stm32-mat/target-matlab #stm32f3 #can2017-08-17 5:12 AM
if that file '
' existe in your computer that mean you heve juste probem of link editiondid you have this file in your computer
2017-08-17 8:59 AM
I see,it be added by embedded coder of simulink ,but I have any code in '
CANtest1_STM32.h',What can I do for my project.
My project :(Stm32f107)I
t Send 8 data by canbus(CAN0) used STM32_mat.(simulink)and download my D
2017-08-17 10:11 AM
go to : Flash - configure Flash tool - C/C++ - include Path and add the poth of the file