2024-07-12 11:01 AM
While connecting the battery, the ground was inverted with the VCC and vice versa. As a result, this capacitor burned out. I need to know the function of this part and if I can continue to work normally after what happened.
2024-07-12 11:11 AM
see circuit:
C16 and probably U3 needs repacement. (maybe C17 also.)
Check if connecting USB : st-link and cpu L010 still working (they should).
2024-07-12 11:33 AM
Bulk capacitance on the input side of the regulator.
It's destroyed itself, so likely not part of the active circuit at this point. Check if it is open-circuit now with a meter.
I'd expect the board might continue to function, regulation will be less good.
Do you have the skill/equipment to replace?
2024-07-12 1:52 PM
How can i Check if it is open-circuit by the meter ?
2024-07-12 1:57 PM
When did your house burn down?
Put multi-meter in continuity or resistance mode. You don't want it to beep or show low ohm value.