2013-07-12 4:32 PM
Board: STM324x9I-eval
Tools : MDK-ARM uvision When compiling/loading/debug either blinky or RTX_blinky. when target set to ''STM32F439 RAM'', everything works fine. I can run, step, etc. but if target set to ''STM32F439 Flash''. When uVision try to load/debug, the eval board LCD display flashing and resetting, then go back to original the ST demo program. Of course the blinky program is not run, the breakpoint is not trigger.I saw there is a post in 2012 that stated using hex file to program. It will be really bothersome if we need to do this in order to debug.Regards,Sink #flash #mdk-arm #blinky2013-07-12 5:38 PM
Make sure a) you have the tools set up to ''Load Application at startup'' and ''Update target before Debugging'', and b) that you either use the 2M Flash algorithm or 2x 1M at the two bank addresses.
You can further check that the IROM addresses for the Target are correct (in FLASH), and use the Flash menu to Erase and Program the device. Are you using an ST-LINK, J-LINK or U-LINK? How are you configuring these, and the flash algorithms?2013-07-15 2:29 PM
Really appreciate your help.How do I know if it's 2M algorithm or 2x1M? Sorry about the novice question. I came from TI/CCS environment. Not too familiar with this.Following is the error message. Load ''C:\\Keil\\ARM\\Boards\\ST\\STM324x9I-EVAL\\Blinky\\Flash\\Blinky.axf'' No Algorithm found for: 08000000H - 08000E53HErase skipped!and pop up a windows with ''Error:Flash Download failed - ''Cortex-M4''I use embedded ST-Link.Please see the image2013-07-15 2:42 PM
2013-07-15 3:38 PM
many, many thanks.
problem solved. Sink..