2023-10-16 8:56 AM
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to program this MPU with the Arduino IDE.
I tried to make the serial port appear but without any success.
Unfortunately I have lost all reference to the purchase and it seems that RobotDyn no longer exists.
I tried the following configurations:
BlackPill F103C8
BluePill F103C8
BluePill F103C6
I tried to install the bootloader with STMCubeProgrammer using the following bootloaders:
generic_boot20_pc13, generic_boot20_pc13_fastboot, maple_mini_boot20
I installed the following USB drivers:
In all possible permutations, but I was able to program this board.
And STLINK isn't even displayed, at most I see a Maple_003 port which I tried to use but without success.
Where am I doing wrong ?
2023-10-16 9:08 AM
You don't have an ST-LINK, you aren't going to see one.
To access via USB and STM32 Cube Programmer, you need to set the BOOTx jumper pins so that the STM32F1 starts in System Loader mode.
The board should then present via USB as "STM32 BOOT DEVICE" or something similar, and you connect in STM32 Cube Programmer using the USB/DFU option, and not as ST-LINK
2023-10-16 9:29 AM
yes, that's what I did but the USB Serial port doesn't appear
2023-10-16 9:30 AM
I have an STLINK V2 and i used it to install the bootloader
2023-10-16 9:47 AM
this board ?
so use the stlink to flash it.
2023-10-16 10:12 AM
The standalone ST-LINK/V2 doesn't instantiate a VCP/CDC, so you won't get a serial port.
You'll need to change the BOOT jumpers on the pill board for software loaded into FLASH to run, and bring up a serial port, if that's what the code is supposed to do.
2023-10-16 1:11 PM
The problem is that the stlink is only seen by STMCubeProgrammer and not by the Arduino IDE
2023-10-16 1:13 PM
I also changed the jumper during bootloader programming, but in any case I don't see the serial port but only Maple 003
2023-10-16 1:31 PM
>>The problem is that the stlink is only seen by STMCubeProgrammer and not by the Arduino IDE
Ok, but that's because Arduino uses other methods to access their, and related, boards. Typically either on with a serial class, but often an MSC class to push updates via drag-n-drop type .BIN copy to the MSC drive.
If you going to use this with the Arduino IDE you're going to need to apply the appropriate loader, and jumper the board to run from FLASH.
With an ST-LINK attached you might be able to debug the situation.
2023-10-16 11:43 PM
Many thanks everyone for your suggestions.
So, this is the situation after trying to install both the maple_mini_boot20 and generic_boot20_pc13 bootloaders, both with the BOOT0 jumper set to 1
I have never programmed a board with the STM32CubeProgrammer, I only saw online how to install the bootloader.
In the condition where the Maple 003 port is displayed on the Arduino IDE, the dfu 4-12.2 port appears but even using that I cannot program the board.
Is it possible to program it using the STM32CubeProgrammer?
Is there a guide to do this?