2017-07-23 1:57 AM
when I tried to run the code below at an interrupt it took 123u sec! (I measured that by toggle PGIOB7) which is too big for me . any one can advice?
I am using STM32F429 running at 70MHz (I can't increase the clk frequency for some hardware limitations)
D102Value=((ADC1_ConvertedValue[0]*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*CURRENT_SENSOR_SCALE; D103Value=((ADC1_ConvertedValue[0]*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*CURRENT_SENSOR_SCALE; D104Value=((ADC1_ConvertedValue[0]*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*VOLTAGE_SENSOR_SCALE; D105Value=((ADC1_ConvertedValue[0]*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*TEMP_SENSOR_SCALE1; D106Value=((ADC1_ConvertedValue[0]*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*TEMP_SENSOR_SCALE2; D107Value=((ADC1_ConvertedValue[0]*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*PRESSURE_SENSOR_SCALE; HAL_GPIO_WritePin (GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_7,GPIO_PIN_RESET);I made another trial by replacing
ADC1_ConvertedValue[0] with constant value (eg 50) to be sure if the problem from the calculation time or what. I wondered from the result where execution of (
D101Value=((50*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*CURRENT_SENSOR_SCALE;) took only 0.25u sec instead of 20u sec previously !!! so the long time should be spend in calling variable
from the memory and really I don't have explanation for that
2017-07-23 2:15 AM
is equal to D101Value=(ADC1_ConvertedValue[0]*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)*CURRENT_SENSOR_SCALE;
is equal to D101Value=ADC1_ConvertedValue[0] * CURRENT_SENSOR_SCALE*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale;
CURRENT_SENSOR_SCALE*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale, is a constant. Use it as a constant K
So D101Value=ADC1_ConvertedValue[0] *K; (k is calculated outside the loop)
Other methods
1. Don't make the conversions inside the interrupt .
2. Make the conversions outside the loop
3.Don't use Floating Point variables (especialy when your FP HW is disabled).
2017-07-23 4:38 AM
thanks a lot for your quick replay
'0' in the equation will be replaced by offset value later so I can't remove it. Also I need to make the conversion inside the interrupt for another purposes related to the code functionality.
I made another trial by replacing
ADC1_ConvertedValue[0] with constant value (eg 50) to be sure if the problem from the calculation time or what. I wondered from the result where execution of (
D101Value=((50*3.3/ADC1_Full_Scale)-0)*CURRENT_SENSOR_SCALE;) took only 0.25u sec instead of 20u sec previously !!! so the long time should be spend in calling variable
from the memory and really I don't have explanation for that
2017-07-23 8:52 AM
So look at the generated code assembler.
Constants might be folded by the compiler.
The math may also be folded by repetitive use of
instead of values unique to each ADC sample.
Consider using integer math.
Avoid division, multiply by a scaling reciprocal.