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Big char buffer declaration


Dear ST hello,

I am working on a driver on STM32F429, and I have to declare 104 uint8_t buffers.

In some cases I am facing an issue with memory, The buffer is overwritten by another application the buffer values change when I iterate through it the buffer is shifted!

When a loop on the first elements to read and write my buffer it looks very good but when I try to loop on the whole buffer I have a strange behavior.

Some reserved elements should not be changed because I don't change them but I could see them in the watch expression changing.

Do you have any idea to help me debug my problem, please?

Thank you in advance,


Share some source code and the linker script.

Then tell us please:

  • F429 SRAM size and layout
  • buffer declaration

Are you using DMA?

What else is writing to the buffer?

Can you take a mutex or semaphore to stop other tasks touching the array?

Do you have an asymmetrical input / output flow rates for the data?

Why is the processing slower than the acquisition?

Can you catch up via dropping occasional packets?​

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Yes, I could share the project,

Non, I am not using DMA, the buffer is updated each 10 ms using the spi bus,

I am nothing using RTOS.

 I shared the code, the buffer name is GyroAccDriver

> the buffer name is GyroscopeDriver

which is declared and used in which files?

GyroAccDriver is declared in the stm32f429i_discovery_Gyro_Acc