2017-08-17 1:18 AM
I am a test engineer in ABB of China. Now I need help .
My chip is STM32F051R8T6 in our target. After my company's R&D check in their codes, then build one version about the STM32F051R8T6 ,I need auto update this version on my target by the
,how can I do ?Whether the ST-LINK utility supports command line mode or not?
Thank you!
2018-02-04 11:25 PM
I have asimilar question about STLink-CLI.So, in short, when I use the LPM option in CLI gets the error:
[LPM]: Unknown debug protocol or option!
After this any other CLI commands are failed (need reconnect USB).
I use the F4-DISCO and NUCLEO-H743 boards;
ST_LINK utility v. with CLIv3.2.0.0;
My earlier topic here
May be someone here knows the solution? or where is the mistake.