2018-02-03 8:06 PM
I am new to STM Controllers and i got project to work on STM32F030K6T6
Controller ,i don't know from where should i start.
where can i get it's sample peripheral libraries,How does
and will be helpful? OR where can i get STM32F030K6T6 Drivers.Help me how start with STM32F030K6T6 Controller.
Thank You.
2018-02-04 1:46 AM
You can quickly start with the STM32CubeMX
select your part and you will see what pheripherals are available, you can easily setup clock, select a pin as an output, blink a LED.
The examples are in the mentioned packages (
).Snippets are more challenging - you need to read datasheets.
Depending on your background there are many option how to continue...
2018-02-04 5:28 AM
Try viewing the snippets and examples under the Cube/HAL trees, or the SPL, to determine if they are helpful to you or not. All three have driver library examples, and it is hard to know what it is exactly that you need, or what experiences in other platforms you're bringing with you.
These should be portable to your chip/board
2018-02-04 9:08 AM
where can i get it's sample peripheral libraries,'
from ST presumably.
those mcus are pretty similar so reading through other 'how to get started with ...' would be greatly helpful.
In generally, you will need to pick a development environment. most people go with IDE on that, but not a must;
then you will need to pick a development 'philosophy': whether you want to use OEM libraries - they are quite a few - or to write your own. I started with OEm libraries but now have swapped most of OEM code out with my own.
getting your first piece running can be challenging.
here are some links:
details are different but the gist is the same.
2018-02-04 10:16 AM
This doesn't require a user/password
2018-02-04 10:20 AM
Board like this? Or something else, be specific
Vendors of third-party boards are generally responsible for delivering examples for their specific implementations.