2018-10-08 3:49 AM
I am trying to generate the elf.bin file from my project which generates elf.hex of size 8329KB where as when i try to generate the elf.bin output it generated of size 30,35,513KB, why is this a too large size, how do i reduce it so that i can use this binary in other application
Attached a screenshot for the generated output files.
Thanks in Advance
2018-10-08 3:56 AM
> how do i reduce it ...
By not using BIN.
ELF, HEX or S19 have address specifiers, and don't need to dump-fill memory areas.
BTW, this queston had already been answered several time here.
2018-10-08 3:56 AM
A binary file is a single file, you clearly describe multiple memory regions to the linker, and these regions are separated by vast distances. Use a .HEX file it can better describe a sparse memory map.
For example 0x10000000 and 0x20000000 are 256MB apart.
2018-10-14 11:47 PM
I am working on in application programming where as my flash size is 1MB , i need to dump my application binary of size below 960 KB(64KB i have my bootloader code), how do i do that , my application output size are mentioned in file
2018-10-15 3:47 AM
I'd take the .HEX file, or .ELF/AXF and package that into a compact binary form, based on my understanding of the memory map being used.
Perhaps you should look at the .DFU format, and tools for generating them.