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Atoi() and HAL_UART

Associate III


My question is about language C.

My nucleo receive some AT Command (from my pc) and i have write a function for compute the command.

Ex : AT+SPEED? > return "SPEED" (only).

>I 'm able to get only the command (by print over uart).

>My command is store inside a array.

command [0] = S

command [1] = P


Now a need to return this "value" from my function to another. One way is to convert this array into a string with atoi() function.


return data =atoi(command);


uint16_t Array[10];

sprintf( Array, "%c",command_value) ;

HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, Array, strlen(Array), 100);

it doesn't work, i mean no print.

I think is not a STM32 problem but a C problem.

Someone have an idea ?


>>sprintf( Array, "%c",command_value) ;

command_value is what?

you are printing as a character?

command [0] = 'S'; // as a character

command needs to be NUL terminated

atoi() needs to process a string containing a number, ie "123" not "SPEED"

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Associate III

You have right, my problem is not a bug from STM32 but a C acknowledge issue.

I'm not a complete newbie and i have all documentation next me... the transition from theory to practice is not always easy.

My data is store like that :

uint8_t command[10]={0};

where command[0] = 'S' / command[1] = 'P' / ...

i have write this following lines :

uint8_t data;
data = atoi(command);
uint8_t str[10];
sprintf(str, "\r\n %u", data); 
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*)str, strlen(str), 100);

the result is '0' in my terminal.

Senior III

atoi() convert string to integer. For example atoi("193") is converted as integer value 193.



If you allready have this answer-string in command-array, you can send it directly:

HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, command, strlen(command), 100);

Or if you need to add Line feed /carriage return in the beginning (which is bit odd, usually it is in the end), you can do like this:

    uint8_t str[20];
    sprintf(str, "\r\n %s", command); 
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, str, strlen(str), 100);