2018-08-02 5:21 AM
I'm trying this on a Nulceo-L452. I'm using CubeMX 4.26.1
2018-08-02 5:31 AM
2018-08-02 8:36 AM
USB data storage obviously isn't SDIO. Is this a SD card in USB reader?
2018-08-02 9:12 AM
>>USB data storage obviously isn't SDIO. Is this a SD card in USB reader?
This is a Mass Storage Controller (MSC, USBSTOR) implementation using a microSD card as the backing storage medium.
2018-08-02 9:13 AM
Those examples are listed among all STM32L4Cube examples in this document from ST:
search them using either microSD or FatFs_uSD keywords . They are not USB stick but SDIO as you want it. Also the STM development boards are listed to point where to find those examples in Cube library. Examples provided for RTOS app and non RTOS app.
2018-08-02 9:19 AM
very long URL... the name of the doc if you need to search for it is: AN4726 Application note
STM32Cube firmware examples for STM32L4 Series