2024-03-20 3:00 AM
Recent series saw a larger changes in the SPI peripheral. Is there already an application note giving a more in-depth explanation. Is such a not planned?
2024-03-20 3:23 AM - edited 2024-03-20 3:34 AM
Dear @Uwe Bonnes ,
We provide some application Note on the migration guide from one serie to another one like this one from STM32L4 to STM32U5 and inside there is a section on SPI ( Chapter 9) : Migrating from STM32L4 and STM32L4+ to STM32U5 MCUs - Application note
and Also This one Here that may cover your need AN5543 "Enhanced methods to handle SPI communication on STM32 devices" : Enhanced methods to handle SPI communication on STM32 devices - Application note
If I understand correctly, your Request is a standalone specific Migration specific for SPI, can you please let us know from which series ? we may cover it for example in a new Wiki or Application Note or even Knowledge Article in the Community based on the content. I would be very grateful if you may participate as well to have your specific use case and also difficulties found , we may take them as a starting point : if you are using CubeMx ?, HAL or you own code etc , Interrupt , DMA ?
Thank you again.
2024-03-20 3:29 AM
It is for writing own SPI code. There are (new) concepts like packets/ transactions/autonoumous mode that will profit from more explanation and example code.
2024-03-20 3:38 AM - edited 2024-03-20 3:43 AM
Let me know if This public AN is covering the need ? Enhanced methods to handle SPI communication on STM32 devices - Application note
Autonomous mode using LPBAM on U5 series need to cover indeed ! with an SPI example
2024-03-20 4:05 AM
pls note we are working on both the AN5543 and dedicated chapter at Reference manual update to make it more clear and useful for end users. It is true that versions 2 and 3 of the IP design brings higher variability and so complexity of its control. The effort was to eliminate problematic control at some specific modes of version 1. Anyway the IP can still be used at "old fashion" way while keeping most of these new features inactivated.
Best regards,
2024-03-20 4:14 AM
LPBAM problematic is not handled in details at AN5543 but only mentioned there as an added feature of the latest IP design versions. I will consider to add some LPBAM reference at the doc.
Best regards,
2024-03-20 4:29 AM
Thank you, I was not aware of AN5543. Searching "SPI" and "Peropheral" in the STM32-> Documents-> Application notes however did not show up anything so maybe some more or better labels will help others to find it.