2021-07-24 5:44 AM
General timers work fine as PWM. Using TIM2, TIM3, TIM4 and TIM9 as well. They all work.
TIM1 and TIM8 the advanced timers will not drive output pin, no matter how I configure unit.
Using external clock 8Mhz as clock source, have tried internal clock source as well.
Output port pin is configured correctly on advanced function. Can see in debug, all registers in TIM8 are configured correctly. Can pause in debug mode and see timer increment correctly. I've Tried TIM8 Channel 1 and Channel 4. No deadtime configured as using single output of positive polarity.
I've tried to configure just TIM8 and still no output
Burke Lowrey
2021-07-24 6:05 AM
PS. Next time, please start whit stating which STM32 are you using and post content of relevant registers.
2021-07-24 6:26 AM
you are my hero!!!
had tried earlier setting MOE bit in debug, and would not let me change it.
After config of no Break and Dead Time. I did the following in the code and it worked.
if (HAL_TIMEx_ConfigBreakDeadTime(&htim8, &sBreakDeadTimeConfig) != HAL_OK)
htim8.Instance->BDTR |= 0x8000;
Thank you very much.
Burke Lowrey