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ADC works sometimes STM32f303RE



I am having problems with the ADC, for some reason, it only works when I put a breakpoint in the function I use to enable the ADC to debug, but, if I run it without any breakpoint, it does not work.

line of code I use to extract a value from the ADC:

sensor_val = periph::ADC12::adc12_get_value();

That function is this one:

static std::uint32_t adc12_get_value(){
	//Start conversion
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) |= (1U << 2);  //ADC Start
	 while(!*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_isr) & (1U << 2)){} //End of convertion
	 return *reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_dr); //extract value

and this is the rest of the functions I use for calibration and initialization:

static void adc12_calib_single(){
	//Calibrate the ADC
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) &= ~(1U << 30); 
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) |= (1U << 31); 
       while((*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) & (1U << 31)) != 0){}
static void adc12_enable_regulator(){
	RCC->CFGR2 |= (0x16 << 4); 
	RCC->AHBENR |= (1 << 28);
	//enable the regulator for the ADC
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) = 0; 
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) |= (0x1 << 28); 
static void adc12_disable(){
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) |= (1U << 1);
	while(*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) & (1U << 0)){}
static void adc12_init(){
	RCC->AHBENR |= (1 << 28);
	//channel 1 with lengnght of 1
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_sqr1) = 0;
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_sqr1) |= (1U << 6);
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cfgr) |= (1U << 13);
	//enable ADC
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) |= (1U << 0); 
	while(!*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_isr) & (1U << 0)){} 
	*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) |= (1U << 0); 
	while(!*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_isr) & (1U << 0)){} 

Thanks in advance


> it does not work

What does this mean in particular? Where is the code stuck?

Consider using the standard CMSIS headers to make the code more readable.

*reinterpret_cast<volatile std::uint32_t *> (adc1_cr) |= (1U << 2);  //ADC Start



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Senior III

Hi @Juan Martín Castillo​ ,

Please refer to ADC examples of the STM32CubeF3; under directory: Projects\STM32F303RE-Nucleo\Examples\ADC

Best Regards,


Hi! well, when I try to debug the variable (without using the breakpoint) it just does not take any value (is like is jumping that function of enabling the ADC). And well, I will try to use the CMSIS, to check.

Thanks for the answer.

Hi! thanks, I will check it later!

Thanks for the answer

Hi TDK, sorry if I bother you, but I fixed the problem but is strange, I used CMSIS as you suggested and wasn't working but, I changed something:

RCC->AHBENR |= (1 << 28)

I had that line of code to activate the ADC1 and ADC2 and the ADC wasn't working, so I changed it using the macros that the CMSIS library provides:


and it worked, that RCC_AHBENR_ADC12EN is the same as (1U << 28U), the only difference is the "U" after the numbers, that makes any difference? like I know that "U" means is an unsigned number, but I don't know if that's a problem if i don't put it

Thanks a lot.

Ok, nvm, i have seen that it is 0x1U << 0x28, hum, is strange, anyways, thanks for the answer

One of the major reasons to use the provided CMSIS headers is to eliminate typos like this.

Still not sure what "does not take any value" can possibly mean.

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