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ADC after RST pin stm32

david lion
Associate II
Posted on June 06, 2017 at 17:38

Hi, I have a problem with the adc. I want to get

the voltage of the STM.

At the start up of my program I want to get the voltage of the STM. So I init the internal ADC and get VREFINT. I have the good value whit my calculation, so no problem there.

My problem is when I use the RST pin of the stm32. After rebooting the stm32 by using the RST PIN I read wrong value at the vrefint channel ( from 0 to 1500, or I used the oversampling mode so I must read value around  22700).

When I rebot the system electricaly, turn off and then turn on the power, the value is good. The problem is only when I used the RST pin.

Do you know where is the problem ? 

Thanks !

Sorry for my english ...

#adc #reset #stm32l
Zt Liu
Senior III
Posted on June 07, 2017 at 06:59

Hi, David,

VREFINT(regulated internally) is quit different from VDD or VDDA, right? So it may not be a good idea for using VREFINT to know VDD or VDDA.

As for the strange result after reset.....

I just use CubeMX and nucleo stm32F303 to make a quick check.






printf(''System Restart!\r\n'');

while (1)



   HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, 20);

   adcResult = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1);

   printf(''VREFINT Value is %d\r\n'', adcResult);



It seems okay without the strange result you've described. (I use the onbard reset button.)


So there could be some problem in your reset mechanism...circuitry or something.

Good luck!


david lion
Associate II
Posted on June 07, 2017 at 09:19

Thanks for your responses.

I use a stm32l0, and to reset the mcu I have a mechanism with a button where I need to push it 15 sec. The reset works.

I also noticed that when I flash my board with ST link, I have the same problem (the RST pin flag is set when I flash the board, so I supposed theRST pin is used by st link).

Next, I tried to make the conversion without the oversampling, and most of the time I get 2 in in the register of the ADC ... but when I electrically restart the STM, I have the same value as



Posted on June 07, 2017 at 08:23

... ( from 0 to 1500, or I used the oversampling mode so I must read value around  22700).

This makes me guess the OP was speaking about the 16-bit Sigma-Delta ADCs, of which the F303 has none.

It would be great if he (the OP) would be a bit more precise about his hardware and environment ...

Posted on June 07, 2017 at 09:59

with a button where I need to push it 15 sec.

To reset the mcu after a button has been pushed 15 sec. I would use external interrupt and timer to fulfill this detection and then called NVIC_SystemReset();

You may use oscilloscope to check your button circuitry and reset pin while you are pushing the button, perhaps you will discover something. Good Luck!