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2019 STM32 Wish List

ST Employee

Dear Community Members & STM32 fans,

Let’s end 2018 thanking you for your involvement in our Community and wishing you all the best for 2019!


As already done in 2017 ( and in 2018 (, we open this space to hear from you.

This is an opportunity for us to evaluate what we deliver as offer and to know your expectations.

If we come back to the STM32 portfolio end of last year, it was like this:


Now the image is getting larger with new products as well as ecosystem components:


Compared to the wishes you shared previous years, we weren’t able to answer all proposals for sure, but may be some of our solutions met what you looked for. Like for example: delivering .ioc file in the STM32Cube package which we started with STM32G0...

Either you are a follower of the STM32 history as well as the Community updates, or a new member in this space, would you mind share with us your feedback answering the following 3 questions:

  • What shouldn’t be done (don’t say migration to new Community platform or new CubeMX interface (because both of them will be improved)?
  • What you appreciate the most as STM32 related offer?
  • What do you expect/suggest related to the STM32 and its ecosystem?

All together, keep UP our STM32 Community!

To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

171 REPLIES 171

Just stay tuned, it will come in a new format.

@brk​  @Camilo LEMOS​ 

To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

Here's an idea: can you add a feature to STM32CubeMX, in the Pinout view, to show the chip logo in the correct orientation with respect to pin 1?

For instance, the STM32F407 chip in 100 LQFP, with the logo and writing upright, has pin 1 in the bottom left corner. But if you look at it in STM32CubeMX, with the logo and writing upright, has pin 1 in the top left. The writing is rotated 90 degrees with respect to pin 1.

Going to the datasheet for that part, shows the location of pin 1, and the orientation of the logo and writing, being in the bottom left.

And before you say that pin1 is pin 1 and the logo and writing are in arbitrary orientations, the datasheet (DM00037051) shows the position of pin 1 but does not mention the existence of an ejector hole. But on the chip, the ejector hole does exist, so you have to use the logo and writing to identify which of the two dents indicates pin 1.

Thus ends today's sermon,

Andrei in The Great White North

So, you drop salesforce, at last?


No Jan, we will work to improve and expand the experience on the Salesforce platform. It's been so far a slow journey (slower than I would have liked) but with the addition of Camilo to the team and a major project kicking off soon you will see changes this year. Specific to Amel's comment, we will soon launch an Ideas feature, which will allow a much better way to get your and others' feedback and to manage each idea individually.

Associate III

add more low power Uarts and timers working in stop mode 2


I will keep repeating it's a dead end and waste of money - just because it is.


One way to make it practical for generating the SystemClock_Config () function for configuring clocks is to use Cube IDE but by generating LL code.

The LL code is practically only low level access to registers, which in practice we all expect.

There is very little work to do to adapt the generated function. But beware: sometimes the code generated is false.


At the time I wrote this, CubeIDE produced nonsense code for the H7 series. Indeed I couldn't even get the clock tree diagram to accept what are legal PLL divide ratios to generate the audio clocks I needed.

I gather this may have been fixed but in the end I had to respin my PCBs to use NXP devices.

Same here. Desperately searching for this some years already. There was once a solution for CubeMX, but can't find the same one for CubeIDE: Using a Powershell command to replace all specific entries in all the templates of CubeMX...

Some help would be highly appreciated!

Hi Amel, @Amel NASRI​  ,

Could you please just start the 2020 Wishlist in the way as it is now?
