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STM32 Functional Safety

Associate III

This follow up question of STM Functional Safety webinar. It was not clear from the webinar if drivers and device specific CMSIS code generated by STM32Cube is certified for functional safety standards?


I don't think the code generated by CubeMX is certified for anything other than use at your own risk. Bugs come up all the time. New versions often have regressions and major flaws.

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Anyone tasked with Safety Critical work should be more than capable of running their own static analysis suite against the HAL and CubeMX output.

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To avoid any further confusion, I think my question should be was IEC 61508 safety standard was followed to develop STM32 HAL code?

New STM32Cube HAL drivers developments follow a process certified according to IEC61508 SC2 level. Reports and details are available from ST under NDA.