2019-08-22 3:37 AM
When i generate file in workbench, get error. WorkBench not found cubemx but i have cubemx 5.3.0 version. Photo in below.
2019-08-22 3:47 AM
I have neither (Cube/Workbench).
Perhaps you have installed Cube into a non-standard folder, and need to manually tweek it in the workbench settings ?
2019-08-22 3:59 AM
Thank you for your comment. But not like that problem, i use MC_WorkShop_1.5.exe for installation. I didnt change any folder.
2019-08-22 6:05 AM
I mean, did the MC-Workshop installer do a Cube installation as well ?
Worth to check if everything is right.
Perhaps your PC has some language/country specifics ST did never test, and result in a broken installation.
Would not be the first time.
2019-08-22 6:46 AM
Yes solved, thank you for your information. This issue be based on languange settings. Changed to english and solved.
2019-08-22 6:56 AM
ST software is for the brave and fearless tinkerer ...
2021-06-21 11:25 PM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards