2024-03-24 5:56 AM - edited 2024-03-24 5:56 AM
Hi all.
Today our custom design board just arrive and we begin to test. Our custom board controllinng via STM32F103RBT6 product and programmed through the Stlink programmer using Stlink Utility software. We have a problem about connection using COM port with pc.
The issue is we cannot connect pc to 103rb chip using CP2102 (usb-ttl) converter module. After a few different module replacement we decided to attach oscilloscope to the RX and Tx pins of the MCU. After that we saw the usb-ttl module send 4 different byte to the 103RB , but 103RB doesnt respond any of this commands when we click to connect button on the workbench>monitor tool. This seems wrong because all parts are soldered by pcb company and we also check the track of this signal. Also we tried couple of times with different generated codes but all acted same. So i decided to ask the reason behind of this.
I will attach all code files including some oscilloscope screen shots and part of the circuit diagram. Motor parameters and current sensing parameters are not configuret yet because we havent gone so far to test the movement.
Many thanks.
2024-05-06 5:50 AM
I m still facing with this problem. Unfortunately i dont have any eval board currently because of my team and i splitted so i cannot access any eval board right now and i alreaddy ordered a new one but it seems it will take at least two weeks to delivery of shipment cargo.
Can anyone please take a look at the code generated by mcsdk and tell me if you can see any error or problem at all ? The code generated by mcsdk and doesnt added any external code on it. After i splitted from my teamwork , i rebooted and updated my pc to win8 and then i managed to get mcsdk output without any error massages. So, there musnt be any issue but it seems there are. I especially checked lots of time hardware side of work and it is ok . I have also uploaded oscilloscope outputs of following uart tx signals , you can check that inside .rar file. I spend lots of time to work with this thing but no luck. My pc send tx signal over uart but no response from mcu side.
Hopefully you can help me with that.
Thanks again.
2024-05-08 7:57 AM
Hello @qqwq.1
In order to debug your issue, I would advise you to check whether the UART is configured in the same way on both ends, STM32 and Workbench monitor. Particularly the baud rate must be equal.
Once done, I would check the data are well received by the STM32. To do that, one idea is to set a break point in the
2024-05-08 10:49 PM