2022-09-23 5:43 AM
I don't understand the calculation for Auto Calculate Torque/Flux Kp & Ki in Motor Control WorkBench (Version: 6.0.0)
Could you send me the calculation formula because I can't find the same results. (I looked in your different documents and I can't find this equation).
I want to change these Kp/Ki because I have problems with some trajectories (overvoltage comes from PI Torque/Flux).
Best regards
Informations :
Motor brushless with Encoder
Motor Control WorkBench : Version: 6.0.0
Control Board : B-G431B-ESC1
Power Board : B-G431B-ESC1
Algorithm: FOC
Control Mode : Position Control
Speed Sensor Mode : Quadrature Encoder
Auto Calculate Torque/Flux Kp & Ki
2024-01-23 11:08 PM
um1052, ch. 4.10 describes how to determine the PI parameters for the torque/flux control loop.
Here is a link to the document (um1052)