2023-02-18 2:52 AM
currently, I am working on the P-NUCLEO IHM03 3SH kit with my motor
motor specification is mentioned below
pole pair = 6
V = 56.4
RPM = 2100
I want to use the hall sensor as speed sense but I can't understand how to find the placement electrical angle for this my sensor displacement is 120 degree
2023-09-07 1:35 AM
Dear Ysag.1,
Firstly, we would like to sincerely apologize for the delay in replying to your post.
If your point is still pertinent, the "Placement electrical angle" has to be calculated manually. Please go to MCSDK FW documentation. If you are using Work Bench 6.1x, on right top corner WorkBench window About>Documentations>Documentation. On User Manual tab, select "Hall sensor feedback processing", the third point explains how to compute this value.
2024-02-01 4:02 AM
The user manual says to "Enter two parameters displacement and delay found in the ST MC Workbench GUI".
There's no option "delay" in the motor configuration GUI, just "Sensors displacement" and "Placement electrical angle".
The guide also shows a delay in time in its graph and also goes into the negative, but there's not formula how to calculate that into the required angle.
So how do I actually get the "Placement electrical angle"? The user manual isn't really helpful here.
2024-02-01 5:52 AM
Sorry for this misunderstanding.
You can do HALL sensor profiling with Motor pilot profiler.
Using WB6.2.0, please generate a project with main speed sensing STO_PLL, Auxiliary sensing set to HALL (for this, go on motor box and switch on HALL sensor if not already set) and set "Motor Profiler" in Application Configuration tab.
Launching Motor profiler, once motor profiler done, you will have HALL sensor profiler: