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Unable to set Port and Pin in Motor Control Workbench for OverCurrent Protection Disable.

Associate II
Posted on December 29, 2011 at 03:28

[Resolved]: When the Over-current protection disabling network check box is clicked on the (Power Stage - Over Current Protection) page the port and pin values can then be changed.


I am unable to change the port and pin for the Over current Protection Disable in Motor control workbench.  All the enables for this are set properly.  I can edit the output files and change the pin but not in the MCWB application.  Is this a bug or am I missing something? 

Photo included shows option greyed out.  



Secondly When I enable the ICL Shutout option I get a warning saying : ''feature not supported by default STM32 PMSM FOC FW library''

How do I enable this feature?


ST Employee
Posted on January 02, 2012 at 10:05

Ciao Ericc

I read that you have already resolved the issue but, to be clear, I want to explain better it for all other people.

The over current protection disabling feature is intended to be used together with the on over voltage action ''Turn on low side switches''. So to enable are required the three steps below

1) Enable the Over-current protection disabling network in the power stage


2) Select ''turn on low side switches'' as on over voltage action in the drive management and enable on over-voltage disable over-current protection by HW check box


3) Set the over current protection disabling port and pin


Regarding the second point of your post, even if it is possible to enable the ICL ''Inrush current limitation'' in the workbench, the  the code is not implemented in the firmware the version 3.0. This means that this feature can't be used. The feature has been kept in the WB for future developments.

Best regards


Laurent Ca...
Lead II

The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK). 

Best regards