2024-04-20 1:24 PM
I have the above subject powered with 24V, 3A power supply. The motor is not loaded. I keep having issues trying to write to the device. How do I get this warning to not appear and why is it appearing?
My second question is when I do BLDC stuff with MC WorkBench it generates an STM32CubeIDE project but I see nowhere within STSPIN to have this done.....How do I transition a working Stepper solution to an STM32CubeIDE project?
2024-04-23 5:54 AM
Hello @SWenn.1 ,
the motor must not be in motion to write the parameters.
The STSPIN Studio is an evaluation software, it does not output a project for STM32.
I hope this post can help you; if so, consider to mark it as best answer by clicking the label "Select as Best".
2024-04-23 8:49 AM
Hello Cristiana.
Is there a library for powerSTEP01 that can be incorporated into an STM32CubeIDE projects?
If so please point me to the URL.
2024-04-24 6:36 AM
Hello @SWenn.1,
unfortunately, there are no library for powerSTEP01 available.