2022-06-04 10:49 PM
Attempting to load the STEVAL-SPIN3201 example from MCWorkbench 5.Y.4 and attempting to generate the code for the board doesn't work. Attempting to build the resulting project from STM32CubeIDE doesn't work. So I'm guessing that's because the generation didn't work. I'm wondering if the SPIN3201 is at it's EOL? And should I go with some other hardware instead? Or is this problem fixable?
2022-12-06 08:57 AM
Dear Customer,
I tried to generate with your configuration but everything seems to work fine.
I suggest you to install manually the latest firmware with ST CubeMx ( F0 1.11.3) .
To do this, start the CubeMx ,click on the right button "software install or remove the embedded software" and install version F0 1.11.3.
Thanks and best regards,