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Start a motor with sensor (using hall sensor) under heavy load situation, the motor will produce noise and motor sometimes can't move successful

Associate III

I use MCSDK 5.3.2 and our board(which is similar IHM08h but we modify the over current from 30A to 60A) with using hall sensor to drive motor(our purpose is to drive E-bike and E-Scooter)

But i find that in heavy load situation,i will hear motor will produce noise and motor sometimes will fail to move.

Is there any way to improve this parts?


Laurent Ca...
Lead II

Dear @SkyWork​ 

In first, I advice you to upgrade your MCSDK version.

Version 5.3.2 is rather old.

Best regards


Laurent Ca...

Lead III

Noise is created by acceleration or deceleration of the motor.

Permanent noise probably means an oscillating control signal. i.e. the motor control is not properly tuned.

Laurent Ca...
Lead II

The question has been set only to the "STM32 Motor Control" topic (the question is only about the STM32 SDK). 

Best regards

Laurent Ca...