2019-03-04 12:31 PM
I'm trying to run my motor with a nucleo F303RE and IPM08B but I can't reach a succesful compiling. I tried with X-CUBE-MCSDK 5.1.1 and 5.3.3 and cube 5.0.1 and 5.1.0 without a succesful result. When I try to compile the atollic gives me a lot of errors like:
unknown type name 'RegConv_t' and when I compile it again it returns me some more crazy errors like: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
Seems like it's not importing the libaries correctly but I tried to import It by multiple ways. I find in a user manual that MCSDK 5.0 had some kind of problem with TrueStudio. Does anyone have the 4.x.x version and can tell me where I can download it?
Thank you in advance
2019-03-10 2:40 PM
Please, can anyone help me, I tried with IAR, SW4STM32 and ATOLLIC with the same results:
I don't know if it's problem of the compiler, Cube or MCSDK
Thank you
2019-03-29 3:16 AM
I don't advise you to use a 4.x version if you want to use True Studio. It is just not compatible.
There should be no issue using TrueStudio and the MCSDK5.3.3, especially with a Nucleo F303RE board. This use case is indeed tested before delivery.
So your problem is somewhere else, we will investigate...
Thanks and best regards,
2019-04-03 8:27 AM
I have also the same problem, I'm trying to run my motor with nucleo F746ZG but can't reach a succesful compiling. After generation of the project with MC SDK 5.3.3 and configuration of the pinout with CubeMX 4.27.0 without error. But wenn I try to build 'Debug' for project , Atollic TrueSTUDIO warning an error:
"Description Resource Path Location Type
unknown type name 'RegConv_t' f746zg_ihm08m1 line 52 C/C++ Problem "
how can I solve this problem?
2019-04-03 8:28 AM
2021-06-27 10:22 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards