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Problem opening project with TrueStudio



I'm trying to run my motor with a nucleo F303RE and IPM08B but I can't reach a succesful compiling. I tried with X-CUBE-MCSDK 5.1.1 and 5.3.3 and cube 5.0.1 and 5.1.0 without a succesful result. When I try to compile the atollic gives me a lot of errors like:

unknown type name 'RegConv_t' and when I compile it again it returns me some more crazy errors like: unknown type name 'uint8_t'

Seems like it's not importing the libaries correctly but I tried to import It by multiple ways. I find in a user manual that MCSDK 5.0 had some kind of problem with TrueStudio. Does anyone have the 4.x.x version and can tell me where I can download it?

Thank you in advance


Please, can anyone help me, I tried with IAR, SW4STM32 and ATOLLIC with the same results:


I don't know if it's problem of the compiler, Cube or MCSDK

Thank you

Claire O.
ST Employee


I don't advise you to use a 4.x version if you want to use True Studio. It is just not compatible.

There should be no issue using TrueStudio and the MCSDK5.3.3, especially with a Nucleo F303RE board. This use case is indeed tested before delivery.

So your problem is somewhere else, we will investigate...

Thanks and best regards,



I have also the same problem, I'm trying to run my motor with nucleo F746ZG but can't reach a succesful compiling. After generation of the project with MC SDK 5.3.3 and configuration of the pinout with CubeMX 4.27.0 without error. But wenn I try to build 'Debug' for project , Atollic TrueSTUDIO warning an error:

"Description Resource Path Location Type

unknown type name 'RegConv_t' f746zg_ihm08m1 line 52 C/C++ Problem "

how can I solve this problem?


Laurent Ca...
Lead II

The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK). 

Best regards