2022-07-22 12:04 PM
Hi good day, i have a fanuc AC PMSM 140v, 6NM, 4.6A, 1kw, 2000ppr
i see the tool hardware and think what the follow kit is convenient:
1.- Nucleo G431RB
2.- X-nucleo IHM09M1
but i see MCSDK v6 no support this hardware, then I ask some general questions because i am just starting in ST motor control although i already have some experience in PMSM with other micros.
the configuration of the parameters of the motor Fanuc and the hardware follow still simple for the v6?. is necesary i migrate a some version 5.x and what version ?.
this FOC library can control IPMSM and SPMSM?, how the MCSDK detect or recognize the type of motor?
The field alignment of rotor and stator in the start is made always?, this need UVW channel encoder for alignment field,? why i see servodrivers PMSM what no make this movement initial of alignmet field
2022-07-27 1:56 AM
Best regards.