2024-02-06 10:39 AM
Hi, I'm currently using Motor Workbench 6.2.1 and I'm trying to create a new project with a custom power board. To that end, I want to create the JSON descriptor file of the board.
I have read the "Motor Control Boards description format" manual from ST Wiki, where it describes the version 3 of the format; however looking at some JSON files from other existing boards I've notice that the current version on them is version 4.
For example, for the board STEVAL-LVLP01
"type": "power",
"name": "STEVAL-LVLP01",
"descVersion": 4,
"contentVersion": "1.0",
"longDescription": "Three-phase brushless DC motor driver expansion board based on STSPIN830 for STM32 Nucleo",
"shortDescription": "PMSM & BLDC power board based on STSPIN830 for STM32 Nucleo",
"link": "https://www.st.com/en/ecosystems/x-nucleo-ihm16m1.html",
"name": "PhaseVoltageSensing",
"type": "PhaseVoltageSensing",
"hwVariants": [
"type": "ThreePhaseVoltageDividersFiltered",
"help": "How to enable this variant",
"signals": {
"name": "A25",
"help": "PCIE A25. Factory default.",
"cost": 0
"name": "A26",
"help": "PCIE A26. Factory default.",
"cost": 0
"name": "A27",
"help": "PCIE A27. Factory default.",
"cost": 0
"voltageDividerValue": 25.34,
"cutoffPulse": 3256
In this sense, my custom power board is equiped with three phase voltage differential sensors, so I wonder where can I get an updated version of the description format that explains PhaseVoltageSensing feature possible values, because the current document (version 3) doesn't cover it.
The only variant I was able to find from STEVAL-LVLP01 JSON file is "ThreePhaseVoltageDividersFiltered", which doesn't works for me.
What I want is a configuration similar to CurrentSensing like "ThreeShunt_RawCurrents_Differential", but applied to phase voltage sensing.
Anyone from ST can give me information about this issue?
2024-08-12 1:20 AM
Indeed, the description for the version 4 of the format was not online yet at the time of your question. It took some time, but it is now available. Sorry for the delay.
Best regards
2024-08-12 1:26 AM
Hello again,
About the specific question, there is no other variant than ThreePhaseVoltageDividersFiltered in version 4 of the format