2016-04-20 8:54 PM
Hi ,
I am using all standard FOC dev kit from ST , IHM001 with bull running motor and I get this error when I try the motor profiler. Comms connection to hardware is good.''the process is in error because the start command procedure failed''I was going to try this on the standard motor thats running before I move on to other motors but it doesnt work.What am I missing.ThanksImtiaz #motor-profiler2016-04-20 11:39 PM
Ciao Imtiaz
This seems a communication problem. Did you check that the programmed USART speed is the same settled in the motor profiler dialog? Another suggestion is to update the STLink version using the STLink utility. Ciao Gigi2016-04-21 11:53 AM
2016-04-22 12:50 AM
Ciao Imtiaz
Ok I understand. This message appear when the FW that is present into the micro is not configured for Motor Profiler. For instance if you are using the default FW that is present on the MC Kit when you buy it is a firmware that is configured for the Bull running in sensorless mode but the Motor Profiler is disabled. To use the motor profiler you have to generate a new firmware, starting from the WB, creating new project based on MC Nucleo Kit and setting generic motor. Then you have to go in the motor setting and verify that motor profiler checkbox is selected. Then you have to generate the parameter .h file in the SystemDriveParam folder and use an IDE like IAR or Keil to compile the firmware. There is a small video that explain this steps: I suggest to try the option ''Start from the example'' mentioned in the video. Ciao Gigi2016-04-26 2:24 PM
Hi Gigi,
I have the motor profiler ticked , generated the files and programmed the nucleo using the Keil project. I am using teh default location of the project - C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\FOC SDK\STM32 PMSM FOC LIBv4.2\Web\SystemDriveParams. The motor profiler gives the same error as described before ''The process is in error because the start command procedure failed....''. I am an experienced embedded developer and a long time user of Keil and STM32 so I am sure I am doing it correctly.I have tried using a new project and a bull running example project both with same results. Can you please try to replicate this issue and give me a solution as I need to make progress on this issue. I can send you an files you wish or the binary I am generating. If you give me a direct email it will be much easier to attach files.I need to get the motor profiler working so I can make progress with slow FOC control on other motors with a quadrature encoder.Thanks for your help so far.2016-04-28 5:03 PM
A reply would be appreciated
2016-05-02 12:39 AM
Ciao Imtiaz
The FW configured for MP can be started with the Monitor section of the WB. So, after you have configured and flashed the code into the micro, you can connect to the FW using the Monitor section. In this way you can verify if there are communication problems. Then if you are able to connect you can send a start motor command pushing the relative button. If the firmware is correctly configured the MP procedure will start and so you can see the motor that spend some time to execute the required test before to run. In this way you can test two things: the first is the communication is ok and the second is that the FW is correctly configured for the MP. Ciao Gigi2021-06-27 10:07 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards