2020-09-15 9:00 PM
Faced a problem. The combination from Nucleo-F303RE + STEVAL-IPMNG3Q does not work. At different values, Apk shows different values of resistance and inductance. In this case, after measuring the inductance and resistance, the motor does not start.
In previous versions of the Motor profiler there is no support for this power board, nevertheless, if you choose another one with a similar circuitry, the motor starts and the determination of the parameters comes to the mechanical model. In 1.3.1, with the correct combination of boards, I cannot even build an electrical model. Unlike previous versions in 1.3.1, the determination of resistance and inductance occurs with a whistle in the range of 8-10 kHz and attempts to make the motor rotate are also accompanied by whistling and squeaking.
SM-PMSM motor.
Has anyone faced a similar problem?
2020-09-17 5:28 AM
Hello Akella,
Motor profiling results are highly dependent of the motor characteristics.
Could you give us your motor reference.
If you measured by yourself your motor's parameters, do not hesitate to share the results if possible.
2020-09-26 9:57 AM
I found a presentation for determining parameters using an RLC meter and an oscilloscope (Advanced BLDC Motor Drive and Control written by Giovanni Tomasello Technologies tour 2017). Now I am having difficulties with the correct start of the motor. The motor spins only if I help it spin by rotating it manually. From the same presentation, I was able to determine that it is necessary to either adjust the G2 factor or adjust the PID controller parameters. But I do not have enough knowledge for a quick selection. And brute force does not give the desired result.
Is there a method for adjusting the start parameters based on the motor response to changes in the regulator parameters?
2020-10-01 7:13 AM
Dear @Akella
Could you give us the reference of your motor and its characteristics (if you have them)?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-19 1:11 AM
Dear @Akella
Any news?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-11-02 12:59 AM
Dear @Akella
As you do not answer, I guess you don't have to solve this problem anymore, therefore I consider this thread closed.
If not, feel free to reopen it by posting a new answer.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...