2020-11-26 5:49 AM
Maxon motor 496653 with 5.8:1 gear ratio
Motor Profiler 5.4.4
MotorControl Workbench 5.4.4 (MCWB)
STM32CubeMX 5.5
STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0
Project details: I have created a position control project following the AN5464 and I am attempting to drive the motor.
Issue: Motor not able to rotate. When the motor should be rotating it drawn current gradually increments up to +-400mA without achieving any movement. I have tried using the MCWB which doesn't show any faults and I can also see the measured currents (IQ and Flux) changing but the measured speed remains to 0 (as the motor is not rotating at all).
Thoughts: I am guessing there is an issue with either the position or speed PIDs. I have managed to create a project using the IHM08M1 and I have attempted to use the same PID settings but they didn't help.
I would appreciate anyone sharing their thoughts.
Kind Regards
Manpreet Singh
2020-12-31 9:03 AM
Dear @msingh
Sorry for the late answer.
Do you have still this problem to solve?
And just in case, if not, do not hesitate to share the final solution you found. Thanks by advance.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...