2012-09-06 6:37 AM
I work on motor control with : ''STEVAL IFN003V1''. I've generate a file (.h) with all parameters with ''ST MOTOR CONTROL WORKBENCH''. But it's my first utilisation of library ''foc sdk 3.2'' Could you show me an example of a file (.c) for basic instructions (start motor, stop, ...), or a good tutorial ? Thank you Jean Ascot2012-09-08 8:03 AM
Do you know where I can find the document ''
The 'Quickstart guide for STM32 PMSM MC Library v3.0' (UM1080)'' ?
Thank you2012-09-18 7:58 AM
Ciao Jean
First of all I want to say that (for the moment) the IFN003V1 is supported byhttp://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/FIRMWARE/stm32_pmsm_nrnd_fwlib.zip
by means of the properhttp://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/FIRMWARE/steval-ifn003v1_fw_patch.zip
. The supports also the Library v3.0. Regrading the ''The 'Quickstart guide for STM32 PMSM MC Library v3.0', you can fint it after installing the v3.0 in the DOC folder.
Moreover in the FOC Lib. v3.2 is implemented a simple demo code inside the Project/main.c in which are used some basic functions like Start/Stop or set motor speed. You can thake it as starting point and then you can take a look at the remaining domumentation present in the DOC folder. Ciao Gigi2012-09-19 3:13 AM
2012-09-19 5:46 AM
Ciao Jean,
you have to select the STM3210B-EVAL. Pleae read carefully the UM1478 with special focus on paragraph 5.3. And do not forget to make a batch build of all the projects in the workspace after having generated the .h files with the Workbench. Ciao Gigi2012-09-24 5:50 AM
Thank you for your help
2021-06-21 9:35 AM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards