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Is STM32F373xx MCU serie can generate pwm edge or center aligned modes ?

Associate II

Hello Everyone,

I would like to use STM32F373xx series. However I noticed  in the datasheet, they don't specify  PWM generation with "edge or center-aligned modes" with full modulation capability (0-100%)?

Is this MCU  can generate PWM with center-aligned mode and can I use It for motor control application ?

Need your help!



> I noticed in the datasheet, they don't specify PWM generation with "edge or center-aligned modes" with full modulation capability (0-100%)?

This formulation for other STM32 is in the Advanced Timer chapter of DS. STM32F373 is a rare exception which does not have any Advanced Timer (in all STM32 they are consistently numbered as TIM1, TIM8 and TIM20). These timers feature 3 channels with complementary outputs with dead-time insertion and BREAK capability. STM32F373 does have TIM15-TIM17 which have complementary outputs and BREAK capability, but they are simpler than the Advanced timers and have only 1 or 2 channels instead of 3.

However, if you don't need any of the listed features, all timers which do have outputs, can output 0-100% PWM.

> can I use It for motor control application ?

That's a vague question, the answer depends on what motor exactly do you want to control and exactrly how.

You may want to look at other STM32, too; perhaps the 'G4 family, which is a newer successor to the 'F3 family.


Thank for your quick reply.

Indeed, I would like to design a DC motor in the application requirement : PWM generation (edge or center-aligned modes) needed to attenuate current noise measurement. Can the STM32F373xx do this or should I go for 'G4 family?

Sorry, I don't know,  I don't design DC motor control applications, I've just described you the capabilities of the chip in general.


Alright, thank you for your help.