2023-03-20 11:32 PM
It tells serial doesn't work well,and I test it throght my serial application,it works!So who can tell me what's the matter?I found my nucleo-f401(rev C01) don't have external crystal oscillator,and the rev-C04 and rev-C04 all have a external crystal oscillator,So I want to know This software(MCSDK Motor Profiler 5.Y.2) download the binary used external crystal oscillato?
2023-03-22 8:13 AM
Hello @zHua.1 ,
I didn't have any problem to connect with this configuration, with a c004, can you try with the MCSDK 6.1.1 profiler and tell me if it works, otherwise tell me the error message.
The profiler is included in the Motor Pilot.
2023-03-22 10:30 PM
Thanks for your help,I choose this board and click the connect button,but the page change to this page which to choose control board and power board(picture 2). I try it mang times,but it doe't works!
My control board is nucleo-f401re(C01)and the MCSDK(6.1.1 and 6.1.0)
2023-03-23 1:50 AM
hello @zHua.1 ,
Can you get the file "NUCLEO-F401RE#X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 3Sh#(6.1.1)" which is in the directory : \MC_SDK_6.1.1\Utilities\PC_Software\STMotorPilot\STM32CubeProgrammer\Fw and flash it manually with Stm32CubeProgrammer and disconnect Stm32CubeProgrammer.
then try to connect manually with the profiler.
Can you also send me a screenshot of your CubeProgrammer after login please?
2023-03-23 11:16 PM
Not work�?I connect,and it shows look like this:
2023-03-23 11:24 PM
i flash it manually,then disconnect
and click the CONNECT
but it show me this page
then I choose f401 and ihm08,
and i click CONNECT,it jump to this page.
it look like a bug in your software.
but if i ues b-g431-esc1,it connect well!
2023-03-24 1:48 AM
I think I understand where the problem comes from, on your Stm32CubeProgrammer you dont have a board name like me, and the motor profiler check this name with its database.
To start I suggest you upgrade your St-Link by clicking on the Firmware Upgrade button in Stm32CubeProgrammer and then check if the board name appears.
2023-03-24 8:01 PM
I upgrade my St-Link,then clicked connect,but this is no board name.
I try to click on the Firmware Upgrade button second time,
the Version is Unknown.
I try to this,
it show me Upgrade successful
but the error it shows
2023-03-27 1:06 AM
Hello @zHua.1
I may have a solution for you, to start, you have to go to the location where your Motor Pilot is installed : MC_SDK_6.1.1\Utilities\PC_SoftwareSTMotorPilot\GUI
open the file "profiler.qml" and go to the line 712.
Replace this line by this line : var checkBoardNameResult="test".
Try again to connect.
Can you keep me informed if it works, we are working on a patch to solve this problem in case the board name does not appear by ST-Link
Thank you
2023-03-28 6:36 PM
There seems to be something wrong