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I have Question about MCM_Clarke conversion.


Dear sir.

I am analyzing the FOC algorithm using motor control workbench 6.10.

During the analysis of the FOC algorithm, I do not understand the MCM_Clarke function part.

In the case of Clarke transformation I know, it is an algorithm that converts three axes into two axes. However, at mcm, it seems to convert two axes into two axes as shown below.

 alpha = a

 beta = -(2*b+a)/sqrt(3)

0693W00000aHiauQAC.pngMaybe I can get some help?

Gael A
ST Employee

Hello gkim.19 (Community Member),

The answer relies on an additional equation : a + b + c = 0, which we use to remove any c value from our results to depend only on a and b values. This is why you might at first think MCM_Clarke converts two axes into two axes and not three axes into two axes.

Developing my point, we start with :

0693W00000aHioFQAS.pngwhich gives :

0693W00000aHj0JQAS.pngWe find the values given in MCM_Clarke function.

Hoping this will help,

Gaël A.

If you agree with my answer, please consider accepting it by clicking on 'Accept as solution'.

Hope this will help,
Gaël A.

Thank you.

I thought about the above conversion for a long time.

But, I didn't think of going crazy with the rule of a+b+c=0 and substituting it for this formula.

Your a+b+c=0 core solved everything.

I'm much obliged to you for your help

Best regards,

Gaël A.