2020-05-15 11:27 AM
I have to make low cost on BLDC for Industrial Sewing Machine with Three Hall Sensors and read about BLDC from resources available on internet .
I have P-NUCLEO-IHM001 for BLDC motor control
and seen below youtube video from ST.
It's based on IAR workbench.
How to Start: ?
1) How to start with BLDC motor control application with STM32CubeIDE,CubeMX
with ST Motor profiler with P-NUCLEO-IHM001?
2) Is it possible to generate code for FOC or BLDC with Sensors (Hall) , Six Step Commutation etc. with Software Tool Chain ?
3) How to connect Customized Hardware MCU and Drive (MOSFET) board the STMotorProfiler?
4) As this board can operate motor the max rating of 1.4 A RMS. How to design hardware
driver circuit for with Six MOSFETs and Driver circuit compatible the Software Tool Chain ?
Any other suggestions ..
Thanks in Advance ..
2022-01-26 12:32 PM
I am also looking for a research of an industrial sewing machine automation for my research paper. Can anyone help me out. Thanks
2022-01-29 12:36 PM
Thanks for posting. Also looking for the same topic on industrial sewing machines for my M.S research
2022-01-30 9:33 AM
Hopyfully my resarch paper on sewing embroidery machine automations will be published.