2020-12-14 7:29 AM
I have generated a Motor Control solution for CubeMX using MC Motor Workbench 5.4.4 and NUCLEO-G431RB and NUCLEO-IHM08M1 and successfully tested with my motor.
How can I to migrate the CubeMX project (*.ioc file) to a different MCU (STM32G431V(6-8-B)TX)?
2020-12-31 9:05 AM
Dear @DBohm.1
Sorry for the late answer.
Do you have still this problem to solve?
And just in case, if not, do not hesitate to share the final solution you found. Thanks by advance.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2021-01-06 6:49 AM
@Laurent Ca...
Yes, I do still have the problem. I've hand edited the *.ioc file for motor control. Is there a better way?
2021-03-11 12:18 AM
Dear @DBohm.1
For more readability, I move part of your question title in the question dscription.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2021-03-17 3:56 AM
Hello DBohm.1 ,
To port existing STM32CubeMX project to another microcontroller:
I believe that you understand the functionality after first try.
2021-06-21 12:37 PM
The question has been set only to the "STM32 Motor Control" topic (the question is only about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards
2021-11-17 1:40 PM
This method currently doesn't work in V1.7.0. It skips the target selector screen and continues to the .ioc file selection screen. In any case, whatever I do it always import the MCU package related to the imported .ioc file and creates a new project. Please help, I need to migrate my code to three different chips within the stm32f4 series and re-configuring each project using the .ioc editor is a painfully tedious process.
2023-08-02 7:59 AM
There are multiple options when you do that, which import option one are you refering to?