2022-07-14 1:26 AM
I only want to have the motor to spin as a kitten but ..
Hereby I share you my road to hell and frustrations .
Tried to get it working with the example and MCSDK_5.Y.4saved it on an empty location and no rename
Change nothing for the moment and pusg the button arrow down
What do I choose as Drive Type option HAL or LL ??
Use LL according to some posts I read and push UPDATE
Here we are received Complete and then what should i do ???
You get OPEN FOLDER or RUN STM32CubeMX or Close
But how do I get it in my board ???
Do I need another program ??
So as I read a lot of posts :
So downloading the ST32CUBEIDE never mentioned in documenttion what so ever ??
Now the fun starts 6S_STEVAL3202_SL_VM.ioc has been assigned by windiows to STM32CubeMx .
But here I use the IDE to load it up.
And now I get a DOS box with the following :
Omitted it because what the hell ???
Push the Run Button and the we have :
A lot of errors ??? and a hugh amount of code .
Searched on my drive stm32f0xx_ll_dac.h" and found it ??
How can I solve the above errors ? or Handle I it completely wrong
So what should I use MCSDK_5.Y.4 or MCSDK 5.4.8 ?
Is it depending on what you want to use for instance MOtorPilot needs 5.4.8 ??
How do download it in to the board ? Is it hex or bin file ?? With what the IDE ??
2022-07-18 1:54 AM
When you choose the example, a readme.txt pops up with some tips (as usage of IDE e.g).
Could you try by using STN32CubeMX: 6.5.0?
Once compiled, IDE will download directly .elf file:
Best regards.
2022-08-04 2:01 AM
Hello, download the 6.5.0 and tried again but unfortunately I get a bunch of errors see log file.
Also I saw although I selected Senserless and Voltage mode via STMCWB :
I see connection lines for the speed sensing :
But still I continued just to see If I can compile an download it.
Hereby the log file after :
Of course I persist to complie it but of course also there errors:loudly_crying_face:
Shouldn't be that hard i think really spent more then a few days here.
2022-09-09 12:41 AM
Back from holiday . Tried the above tip :STN32CubeMX: 6.5.0 .
Isn't working either ?? Nobody ?